Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bugger Off And Sort Yourself Out ...

Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, along with a legion of fans, was in Paris this week for two nights of live performances. Georgios, as you may know, is the real name of multi-millionaire pink George Michael.

But all is not well in the Michael camp.

This year alone, George had hit the headlines for drugs no more than 3 times. In February he was arrested for possession of class C drugs. In May, he was found slumped and unconscious over the steering wheel of his Range Rover. He was woken by a member of the public knocking on his window (for five minutes): "George was sweating heavily and had his iPod on". He got the car started and drove off weaving up the road, then collided with a traffic bollard. Then, at the beginning of October, he was found by the police, again, dozing in traffic. He was taken off to hospital, then charged for the offence by the boys in blue. Strangely enough, George's 'life partner' and Cheerleading Coach Kenny Goss, checked into a rehab centre in the States ... on George's word. So, why doesn't the silly bastard listen to his own advice? We all know that he has a problem but why can't he bugger off and suffer in silence, treat himself far away from the eyes of his fans and the press ... as normal people do.

"But why do photographers need to know what I'm doing at 2.30 in the morning?" said George. All the photographers need to do is wait at a busy London road junction in the early hours and this stoner will turn up and stop right in front of them. However, I refuse to feel sorry for someone who has more money than God, yet does his best to get into trouble.

We all remember the 1998 'toilet affair' when George got his knob out for a total stranger. Of the event he said "Well, I was followed into the restroom, and then, this cop – well, I didn't know he was a cop at the time obviously – started playing this game. I think it's called ‘I'll show you mine, you show me yours and then I'm going to nick you!'" Well, George, why did you whip yours out just because he did? Now, he regularly drives stoned whilst wearing an iPod. Just another couple of items for the charge sheet.

George, please don't even think of waking me up before you go-go into rehab ...



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