Monday, November 06, 2006

Let's Get It On ...

With an HIV capacity of 5.5 million people, South Africa have become record-breakers; the fastest shag in history.

There's some (mass) debate over exactly when the condom was invented. There's an Egyptian drawing of some chap wearing one which is over 3000 years old. However, it is unknown if the device was intended for use in contraception or for ritual purposes (and here I was thinking that Saturday night was a ritual?). Moving up to the 16th Century, Italian Gabrielle Fallopius wrote the first-known description of condom use - disease prevention. Gabby recommended soaking cloth sheaths in a chemical solution and allowing them to dry prior to use. No doubt the ladies of the day complained that they were left with a chuff like a Wizard's sleeve ...

So, back to the new condom and 2006's South Africa ... Willem van Rensburg, the condom designer at 'Pronto' claims that "Using an ordinary condom is a real pain, by the time a normal condom is on, the mood is halfway out the window". The thing about Pronto condoms is that they do not need to be unwrapped, well not in the conventional sense of the word. One viewing of the company's 'how to slip one on' video was enough to send my mood window-wards. Much like spearing paper onto an office paper spike ...

Imagine if you had one that was reluctant to come out of it's packaging? With all the time you'd save, ardour in stiffened readiness, your manhood could end up half an inch high and four inches wide ... so, no change from the norm then?

Pronto condoms are, for the time being, not available to buy outside of South Africa. It'll be an Olympic Sport come 2012 ... look out London, you could get f**ked after all ...



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